
To place an order, simply browse our collection of football jerseys, choose the one you like, and click the “Add to Cart” button. Follow the prompts to complete your order.

We offer three types of jersey orders: The In stock ones, The On Demand ones, and Personalized One. In stock jerseys are ready to ship immediately. On Demand and Personalized jerseys are made to order and may take additional time.

We understand that circumstances may change. If you need to modify your order, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request if the order has not already been shipped.


We offer standard shipping for in-stock jerseys, and delivery typically takes up to 10-15 days from the time of order confirmation.

The shipping time for an “on demand” or “personalized” jersey varies, but it usually takes 15-20 days from the order date, depending on customs.


For in-stock jerseys, you can choose to pay either in cash upon delivery or upfront with a credit/debit card during the online checkout process.

Payment for On Demand and Personalized jerseys must be made upfront using a credit/debit card during the online checkout process. We require full payment.